Depression and how to watch for it.

Daniel Pink talks about “Bouyancy” as a critical component of Attunement. We will cover this in class Friday. However, there is an uglier side to rejection, especially for Freshman or anyone who is beginning a new learning process in an unfamiliar environment: DEPRESSION Everyone gets “depressed” at times…more they feel down, rejected, sad, etc Its ...


We never learn anything if we are comfortable. Useful experience and skills come through struggle and repetition: Much like sports conditioning. How one deals with stress is very important: Negative ways to deal with stress: Sleeping too much Eating too much. Drugs, alcohol, substances that artificially make you feel better. Too much TV or video ...

Pitch Techniques: Tell a Story…the Pixar Method

To move people…to sell them. . to persuade them: you must 1. Get their attention quickly 2. Establish Interest. 3. Build Credibility 4. Establish some value 5. Gain commitment for a next step. In all of my reviews of your video presentations, I always suggest telling a story and using a visual to gain attention ...

Objections: Feel-Felt-Found approach

Addressing Objections is always a daunting problem. Let’s take price. Often a prospect,customer, or client will object to the price of your product or service. A common Closing Technique that I don’t care for suggests that you ask your client: “If I am able to satisfy your financial concerns, is there any other reason we ...

Customer Billing Disputes “What do you feel is fair” 2

For Isaiah…Of course it is always best to have a contract for services between you and your client. Actually, a simple email or letter will usually suffice. However, I have successfully done business with a handshake but usually only after building a strong relationship over years with a client. If a third party is involved, ...

Spring INNOV 2010 Midterm Video Submissions

To All, I have almost completed viewing all the videos submitted. To FUSESPORT: What a GREAT JOB.  Javier you listened to me and “told the story” The video presentation was crisp, professional, and well presented. I especially liked the pop-up box which showed your material with each presenter. SYMTAPP: Another good job, but checkout FuseSport ...

Innovator’s Scorecard by Tom McKnight

Innovator's Scorecard by Tom McKnight
Innovators Scorecard Will it Fly by Thomas McKnight is the source of the Innovator Scorecard which I use in my classes to both quick test an idea for a business as well as a foundation for the development of business plans. The spreadsheet is also available at   Will it Fly by Thomas McKnight ...

Preparation and Meeting Planning

Here it is again ATTENTION, INTEREST, CREDIBILITY,VALUE,ACTION. Its the first meeting how should I prepare. First of all, this is really fun if you do it right and I promise if you prepare well, you will definitely get off to a fabulous start with your client. WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY. WHO is going to ...

Some thoughts about Group meetings

In my experience over the years, Maintaining attention and interest (yep, there it is again, Attention, Interest, Credibility, Value, Action) , Maintaining Attention and Interest is a challenge with any group. Even in meetings where all are physically present, it is difficult to keep everyone on “the same page” and focused. With clients in remote ...

Dynamics of Initial Client Meetings

This is probably the most important meeting you will have with your client. It sets the tone of all of your meetings and the RELATIONSHIP to follow. So……PREPARE and think it through. What is your objective: Are you waiting for something to happen……Like the client to tell you what to do? BAD IDEA. You want ...